Unique Cıkış Saatleri (Boss)
* Oynadiğiniz Servera tıklayarak Unique lerin çıkış saatleri hakkinda Bilgiedinebilirsiniz.
Terim Anlamları :
Monster : Unique ismini belirten tablo
Data received : Ne kadar süre önce kesildiğini gösteriyor.
Player//Spawn : Unique nin kimin tarafindan kesildiğini gösterir.
Based on last spawn time : Bir önceki Unique ile en son çıkan Unique arasinda geçen zamani gösterir.
Ipucu : Data received kismindaki süre ile Based on last spawn time daki süre eşit olmaya yakın oldugunda Unique cikma ihtimali artar buna göre Unique nin cikma noktalarina gidiniz.
Server Unique Bilgileri :
Xian : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Aege : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Troy : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Athens : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Oasis : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Venice : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Greece : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Alps : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Olympus : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Tibet : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Babel : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
RedSea : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Rome : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Sparta : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Eldorado : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Pacific : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Alexander : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Persia : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Zeus : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Poseidon : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Hercules : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Odin : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Mercury : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Mars : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Saturn : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Venus : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Uranus : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Pluto : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Neptune : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Hera : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
* Oynadiğiniz Servera tıklayarak Unique lerin çıkış saatleri hakkinda Bilgiedinebilirsiniz.
Terim Anlamları :
Monster : Unique ismini belirten tablo
Data received : Ne kadar süre önce kesildiğini gösteriyor.
Player//Spawn : Unique nin kimin tarafindan kesildiğini gösterir.
Based on last spawn time : Bir önceki Unique ile en son çıkan Unique arasinda geçen zamani gösterir.
Ipucu : Data received kismindaki süre ile Based on last spawn time daki süre eşit olmaya yakın oldugunda Unique cikma ihtimali artar buna göre Unique nin cikma noktalarina gidiniz.
Server Unique Bilgileri :
Xian : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Aege : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Troy : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Athens : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Oasis : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Venice : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Greece : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Alps : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Olympus : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Tibet : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Babel : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
RedSea : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Rome : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Sparta : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Eldorado : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Pacific : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Alexander : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Persia : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Zeus : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Poseidon : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Hercules : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Odin : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Mercury : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Mars : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Saturn : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Venus : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Uranus : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Pluto : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Neptune : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
Hera : Rev6.com - The 6th Revolution
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